Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring is coming? Summer? Swimsuit - WHAT??!!

All winter long we bundle up in our nice warm sweaters and comfy blue jeans.  This year we've been lucky enough to be very bundled up after the "snowpacolypse of 2011"!  STUCK in the house for 11 days straight with 4 kids and a husband.  WOW!  Now don't get me wrong I love both my husband and my children, but being confined to the 4 walls of our home without preparation or supplies to keep them occupied, it was a REALLY long week.  Anyway, here in the South, our seasons kinda all mush together and sometimes don't even happen at the right time. 
The past few weeks, our temperatures have been unseasonably warm.  Needless to say - we are LOVING it!  Last weekend, my husband practically clear-cut our backyard.  I can see out of the windows and watch the kids play in the backyard  while I do my crafty thing.  An added bonus:  the cut branches are calling out for my all-time favorite snack - S'MORES! 
Though I've neglected my blog, I'm still trying to lose 50 lbs in 50 weeks.  I'm quite a few weeks behind and really only lost a few pounds.  I've come to the conclusion that it really takes a hint of Summer to really get me motivated. 

I can picture myself there basking in the warm sunshine, glistening with coconut oil and sipping a delicious fruity beverage - of course with a tiny umbrella.  However when I picture myself..... it's more like this:

Apparently, Spring is coming early this year - and that means Summer is right around the corner.  And I have a LOT of work to do! 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Making a Committment

I don't like New Year's Resolutions.  I can't remember a single resolution I've ever kept.  I think there's too much pressure and folks just can't handle it - so when they slip... they just kinda give up.  My solution:  start early and avoid the madness.  I'm setting a long term goal that will take continued commitment and will also have repeated victories! 
First, the backstory:   I am currently a stay at home mom with 4 kids.  They are the cutest little stairstep, toe-headed youngins you will ever see!  (The boy is actually the oldest and tallest, but he decided to squat down low for this picture)  The 2 blonde beauties are less than a year apart, and the baby will celebrate her first birthday right after Christmas. 
Well, if you combine slack nurtition habits, minimal exercise, and a love of sweets.... you end up keeping all that baby weight much longer than expected - or desired.

Now, The PLAN:  I'm gonna lose 50 lbs in one year!
Here's what will keep me going:
  • The PLAN is safe - experts say you should aim to lose 1-2 lbs. per week.
  • The PLAN is easy - While I will have to modify my eating and nurtition habits, I don't have to wake up at 4 am to run 3 hours on the treadmill or only drink pineapple juice for 6 weeks.
  • The PLAN has small victories that will keep me going - this one is HUGE!  Not only will the numbers on the scale decrease (resulting in an increase in my happiness) but the massive tent-like clothes in my closet will begin to disappear.  I am a "keeper" - NOT a hoarder, but I do like to hold on to things - probably more things than I should.  I have a plethora of  clothing of smaller sizes that is WAY cuter than my current wardrobe pieces.  
  • The PLAN will bring me to a place of better health and extend my life by years.  (Doctor OZ says that just 10 lbs can extend your life by 10 years - Whadya think 50 lbs would do??!!)
So, stay tuned for progress updates, and please send words of support and encouragement - I'm gonna need it!  I'm sure all my hard work will be worth it next year when I can show off my rockin bod!  :)

Check out my weight loss ticker on the right to see my progress!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Let's Do This

Well, I've avoided this long enough.  I've been playing around with this blog for months now without any action, but I've decided to take the plunge and just do it - so here goes!  
Be forewarned:  I do not claim to be an expert on anything - except dabbling.  I dabble in crafts, sewing, photographing my children, scrapbooking, and probably many more on a regular basis.  
As if I didn't already have enough activities to dabble in.... let's add blogging to the list!  

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